If you’re like me, your garage or storage shed is riddled with various tools used to do various jobs—a cordless string trimmer, a corded hedge trimmer and a gas power chain saw. Each tool requires its own maintenance and some are used so seldom that it becomes challenging to find them (not to mention remember how to use them).

Many are niche tools, such as a pole saw that might only be pulled into the rotation once or twice a year. Some tools, like the hedge trimmer, may make their appearance quarterly. Others are mainstays that get their time in the limelight nearly every weekend (yeah, we’re talking about you string trimmers and edgers).

But why so many tools? And consequently, so many batteries and gas and oil mixtures? Husqvarna, as well as other manufacturers, has been trying to solve this problem for residential users for a couple decades. And now, that time has come. Enter the Husqvarna Combi Switch 330iK. This miracle tool features a power head designed to take on multiple attachments specific to the job at hand.

What is the Husqvarna Combi Switch 330iK?

With so much equipment cluttering your shed or garage, the Husqvarna Combi Switch 330iK is like a panacea for tool disorderliness. You can take back your tool shed and rest at ease knowing that you haven’t broken the bank on buying a once-a-year tool. Combi tools have changed my world as a residential user. I keep my regulars close at hand and when the time comes for outliers, they’re within reach and easy to use.

I can use my string trimmer and edger on a weekly basis as I normally would. When needed, I can swap out the tool for a pole saw, broom or dethatcher—just to name a few. I get all this with essentially one tool.


We Tried It

Husqvarna Combi Switch 330iK

With this power head, the tool attachments (and possibilities) are endless.

The Husqvarna Combi Switch 330iK is what’s referred to as a combination—or “combi”—tool. It utilizes a power head on which you can attach other tools. In this case, the power head is a cordless 40V battery operated system that works with all Husqvarna’s 40V power tools. There are a multitude of tools that can be attached directly to the power head.

For example, let’s say you have completed weeding using a string trimmer and want to switch to the edger attachment. The next step is to loosen the securement screw and slide off the string trimmer. You attach the edger, secure the screw, and you’re ready to edge.

Husqvarna Combi Switch 330iK Features

The Combi 330iK power source works with all of Husqvarna’s 40V battery operated systems. This tool, however, is a bit different than a “one-purpose” tool in that it accepts different attachments to the power head. But, if you have other 40V Husqvarna equipment such as a full-size chain saw, then you have the bonus of sharing the battery power with your Combi 330iK.

A plethora of attachments are available for the Combi, including:

  • Blower
  • Hedge Trimmer
  • Edger
  • String Trimmer
  • Cultivator
  • Pole Saw
  • Dethatcher
  • Weed Scissor
  • Sweeper

Husquvarna 330i Combi Features ScrewPamela Bondurant/Family Handyman

The securement screw offers peace of mind when wielding a pole saw overhead as well keeping tools tightly fastened to the power head. The 40V of power makes it capable of running all of the attachments that are available—even the some of the power hogs like blowers and chain saws. The power head uses Husqvarna’s proprietary cooling technology, and each attachment is equipped with the same features as the manufacturer’s gasoline powered tools, such as an X-Cut chain on the pole saw for optimal cutting.

How We Tested It

Husquvarna 330i Combi EdgerPamela Bondurant/Family Handyman

We tested Husqvarna’s Combi Switch 330iK with a pole saw and an edger. The edger is the type of tool that I’ve often thought of as superfluous to my lawn manicuring collection. I’ve made it this long without an edger and have managed to get by with my string trimmer to edge around my patios and driveways.

Testing With Edger

However, when I put the edger to work, I was immediately amazed at how easy it was to make clean, straight lines. Suddenly my string trimmer edge work looked akin to a drunk trying to cut a straight line. Putting my pride aside, I carried on as the edger ate through larger chunks of grass, all while NOT spewing bits of grass and rock onto my legs.

Testing With Pole Saw

I’ve always managed to get by with my manual pole saw so I wondered what a powered pole saw would add to the mix. I worried the weight of the tool at the end of the pole might prove unwieldly, but with the aid of the over-the-shoulder strap, it was really easy to leverage into position. Even without the strap, the pole saw was well-balanced and easy to maneuver through mazes of branches.

I first tested the pole saw on an obvious candidate: 5-inch diameter branches on a willow tree. It was effortless to take the branches off at the exact, desired location. My manual pole saw suddenly seemed like a labor-intensive, superfluous tool in comparison.

I moved on to some long pines and loved how useful the pole was to remove branches that where only a few feet off the ground. I didn’t have to get into the branches myself and let the tool do the work of removing the low hanging branches so that I could get close to the base of the tree and work on higher branches. It also opened up the area enough so that I could check for unwanted surprise me, like snakes!

I even tried the pole saw on palm fronds and lemon grass. It ate through both like butter. The lemon grass has a tendency to “gum” up my full size chain saw and, surprisingly, did not gum up the pole saw despite its diminutive size.


  • Cordless
  • Long extension pole
  • Straight edges on sidewalks
  • Plenty of power
  • Both tools are sharp


  • Must change out attachments
  • Must keep batteries charged


Are all Husqvarna batteries interchangeable?

All Husquvarna 40V power tools are interchangeable, meaning that you can use one battery on multiple tools.

How thick of a branch can an electric pole saw cut?

The length of the cutting bar dictates how thick of a branch can be cut. Of course more power also means more cutting strength. Most pole saws are capable of cutting branches between 3 and 8 inches in diameter.

What is the difference between electric and gas pole saws?

Gas pole saws are powered by two-cycle engines and run a mixture of oil and gas. They require more maintenance than electric models, but they are far more powerful. Electric pole saws typically run on battery power and require less maintenance. Electric pole saws do, however, still require chain oil.

What Other Reviewers Had to Say

Five star reviewer CC Reviews says, “I was really surprised how powerful and well this weed whacker is. I never had a battery powered one and I am not disappointed.”

“This is a great string trimmer. It is very sturdy and well-made, and definitely feels like a professional. The detachable head is simple to get on and off so should not be an issue. Swapping out different attachments. So far no issue with battery life. Battery is big and the trimmer is very powerful,” states, Osprey, another reviewer on Amazon.

Product Comparison

As far as combination tools go, the Husqvarna sports a more secure attachment mechanism than many attachment-taking tools that simply use compression to hold the attachment to the power head. Additionally, since it uses the same power as other Husqvarna single use tools, the device has the same capabilities, whereas some other combination tools may have attachments that are under-powered when connected to a power head.

Final Verdict

Husquvarna 330i Combi Final VerdictPamela Bondurant/Family Handyman

It’s official—I’m breaking up with my manual pole saw. I don’t even have to break a sweat to trim a multitude of trees with the Combi 330iK. While I’m not going to break up with my string trimmer, I am discontinuing it for edging. I’d love to add the Husquvarna Combi Switch 330iK to my tool set and free my shed of a hoard of single-use tools.

Where to Buy the Husqvarna Combi Switch 330iK

The Husqvarna Combi Switch 330iK power head head and all the attachments has just been released and can be purchased through the Husqvarna website or on Amazon.


We Tried It

Husqvarna Combi Switch 330iK

This cordless 40V battery operated system works with all Husqvarna’s 40V power tools.