Every year my mom gives us microfiber cloths as stocking stuffers. I know that doesn’t sound too exciting, but they sure come in handy throughout the year. They’re a more affordable, effective, and greener choice than paper towels, and they are great for cleaning just about everything. And I’m not alone with this sentiment.

“Microfiber cloths are a big part of our world at Tidy Casa,” says owner Ryan Knoll. “We buy these by the truckload!”

But, when I put microfiber cloth in the dryer, it comes out fiercely stuck to my clothing and never quite works as well. So I asked Knoll and Alicia Sokolowski, president of AspenClean, what I was doing wrong. Here’s their advice.

What Is a Microfiber Cloth?

Microfiber cloths are commonly used for cleaning. They are made from ultra-fine synthetic fibers, usually a blend of polyester and polyamide (nylon). “These fibers create a highly absorbent and effective cleaning material that lifts dirt, grease, and dust without the need for harsh chemicals,” says Sokolowski.

What makes it different from other cloths?

Microfiber cloths are distinguished by their ability to trap dirt and dust, which results in streak-free cleaning. “The fibers are split to create tiny hooks that grab onto grime; think velcro,” says Knoll. “This makes them way better than cotton towels, which mostly push dirt around and don’t help a ton.”

Why do they come in different colors?

Microfiber cloths come in different colors, so you can designate them for various tasks to prevent cross-contamination. For example, Knoll uses blue for glass, yellow for dusting and red for bathrooms. “That said, I once had a customer get concerned when we accidentally left a red microfiber at her house,” he says. “She thought we were trying to send her a secret message!”

Also, some microfiber products vary in their composition. Towels that are good for glass are often blue. Towels that are more absorbent for general cleaning (aka bar towels) and are often white with a stripe.

How to Wash Microfiber Cloths

Microfiber needs a little TLC to stay effective. When caring for them, Knoll and Sokolowski have a few recommendations:

  • Washing microfiber cloths separately or with other microfiber items.
  • Using a gentle, fragrance-free detergent.
  • Do not use fabric softener or bleach, as softeners coat the fibers, reducing their ability to trap dirt.
  • Use cold or warm water. High-heat washing can damage the fibers and reduce their effectiveness.
  • If the cloths are heavily soiled, pre-rinse them to help remove excess dirt before washing.

“Wash microfiber cloths only with other microfiber items,” says Sokolowski. “Washing them with lint-producing fabrics like cotton towels can cause lint to stick to the fibers, reducing their effectiveness.”

Can Microfiber Cloths Go In the Dryer?

Yes, a microfiber cloth can go in the dryer, but only on low or no heat since high heat can melt or damage the fibers, making them less effective. Also, skip the dryer sheets, as they leave a residue that reduces absorbency. “Air drying is always a safe bet if you want to prolong their life, but they do just fine in the dryer following the above,” says Knoll.

Pro-Tips for Microfiber Cloth Use

Knoll says to make sure to buy the correct type of microfiber towel for your task. For example, blue glass towels are smoother and lint-free, great for streak-free windows. Bar towels, designated by a stripe, are more absorbent for general cleaning. He also recommends:

  • Fold and flip while using them. “The novice move is to clean with the center of the towel, but if you fold the towel into quarters you’ll always have a clean section to use and can get more cleaning in between washes,” he says.
  • Damp is better than soaked. “Too much water reduces microfiber’s effectiveness, so slightly damp works best,” he says.

Sokolowski also recommends to:

  • Shake them out before washing them, to remove debris.
  • Avoid using them with oily or greasy substances unless you plan to dedicate one cloth for that purpose.
  • Rinse them well after use to prevent buildup and extend their lifespan.

About the Experts

  • Ryan Knoll is owner of Tidy Casa, which he founded in 2015. The company cleans more than 600 homes a month in the Phoenix and Tucson areas.
  • Alicia Sokolowski is President/CEO of AspenClean, a green cleaning company and products manufacturer in Vancouver, British Columbia. Via hope.