The two most common odors in a truck cab are tobacco smoke and that gym-socks “aroma” coming from your A/C ducts. We’ve got the fixes for both offenders.

To neutralize smoke, buy an aerosol can of Dakota Non-Smoke. Holding the can 12 to 14 in. away from fabrics, lightly spray the headliner, seats, door panels and carpet. Then spray the rest of the can into the A/C system. Leave the windows closed for at least one hour. Your vehicle will smell like baby powder for a while, but that’ll go away.

To kill off mold and mildew in your A/C system, buy a can of Kool-It Evaporator & Heater Foam Cleaner. Find the rubber drain tube from the evaporator coil (usually located under the dash) and remove it from the evaporator housing. Following the product directions, shoot the entire contents of the can into the evaporator housing. The foam expands to coat the evaporator coil, killing the stinky culprits. After 15 minutes, turn the blower fan to low and let it run for five minutes. Bye-bye, locker room smell.

Spray Smoke Neutralizer

aerosol can sprays smell remover into car blower intake

Turn the fan to high and set the system to recirculate mode (“max A/C” if you don’t have that option). Find the intake opening by holding a tissue near the blower motor. Then spray the mist into the opening.

Inject Mold-Killing Foam

Injecting-mold-killing-foam-into-car-ACFamily Handyman

Thread the plastic hose into your A/C evaporator case. Then shake the can and depress the valve until the can is empty. Replace the drain hose and any other parts you removed.

Plus, check out: 11 Seriously Cool Pickup Truck Bed Hacks.

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