Spring nights are made for open windows and great sleep. But if your interior doors are out of adjustment, they’ll rattle every time the breeze kicks up. The problem is always caused by a gap between the door stop and the door. Here are three simple fixes.

While at it, also figure out how to fix a gap around a door.

Bend the Tang

Bend The TangFamily Handyman

The simplest fix is to bend the little tang on the strike plate toward the door. When the door latches, it pushes the door toward the stop just a bit and holds the latch a little tighter, sometimes enough to silence the door. It doesn’t always work, but it’s worth a shot. A pair of pliers always hacks up the finish on the plate, so use two adjustable wrenches instead.

Use a Self-Adhesive

Use A Self AdhesiveFamily Handyman

The next easiest fix is to shim any gaps with self-adhesive “dots,” which are usually used to soften cabinet doors and drawer closes. You’ll find them near the cabinet hardware at the store. The clear dots that blend in with the door finish are the least obvious.

Shift the door

Shift The DoorstopFamily Handyman

The harder (but more elegant) fix is to actually shift the door stop so it’s tight against the door. If there’s paint and/or caulk between the door and the wall, score it first with a utility knife. Then, use a block and smack the stop tight against the door. The existing nails will shift quite a bit but may hold the stop away from the jamb when they bend. If that happens, use the block again to smack the stop flat to the jamb to flatten the nails.

Check the door operation to make sure it doesn’t drag on the stop before you renail it. Here’s the downside: With painted or stained trim, there may be some retouching required.