
In a society of information at our fingertips, many people have become more enthralled with true crime, hauntings, murders, etc., leading to the rise of, a website that for a minimal fee can give you all the details you want to know about your home, not just deaths, but also meth activity, fire incidents, sex registry information and more.

Other than utilizing this website, how can you find out if someone died in your home?

If you are house hunting, ask your real estate agent.

Although it’s often assumed that real estate agents are legally obligated to divulge this information, that’s not entirely correct. In some cultures, living in a home where someone has died is a problem. According to, agents in California, Alaska, and South Dakota must disclose this information. In California, if someone has passed away in a home in the three years prior, that is information they must disclose to prospective buyers. Also, if a buyer asks if there were any deaths before the three years prior, the agent has to disclose the information, but only if the buyers ask. That information does not have to be volunteered. In Alaska and South Dakota, only murders or suicides must be shared with buyers.

Search your address.

Since you likely search for everything else online, trying simply entering your address in any search engine. Oftentimes, finding a death in your home (or other activity that you’re curious about) might come up this way through newspaper links, etc.

Look up public records.

There is a lot you can find through public records by searching deeds, property records and death certificates. Call ahead to various offices and see what can be done to help you find this information.

Do some research.

If you live in an older home, chances are, someone has passed away in it. Consult your local library and ask a librarian to help you with their archives to search for information about your home. You might learn a lot about the past inhabitants!

Overall, if you are concerned about whether or not someone died at a certain address, you should do your search prior to purchasing the home, but if you’re just morbidly curious, enjoy your investigation.