Quartz countertops are everywhere right now. And why wouldn’t they be? They’re attractive, durable and practically maintenance-free. And because quartz countertops are made from engineered stone, they’re available in many designs and nearly every color of the rainbow. It’s easy to see why quartz countertops have other popular stone slabs beat.

Cleaning them is a breeze, too, as long as you follow some basic rules. (Yes, they can scratch.) Ahead, two cleaning pros with decades of experience give advice on cleaning and caring for your quartz countertops.

Use Gentle Cleaning Methods

Quartz countertops are made by a pressure-and-vibration technique that turns quartz particles and polymer resin into solid, compressed slabs. Quartz itself is a tough mineral, but harsh, abrasive cleaners can damage the resin binder, says Allen Rathey, director of the Indoor Health Council, a consortium of cleaning pros, scientists and health experts.

Never use steel wool or scouring pads on quartz countertops. Rathey says scouring powders can also scratch the resin, so stick to gentle, non-abrasive cleaners and soft cloths to keep your quartz from pitting or looking dull.

Wipe Down Daily

wiping quartz countertop with microfibres clothTHANASIS/GETTY IMAGES

Quartz countertops rarely need more than a quick daily wipe-down. “Clean the countertops regularly with a microfiber cloth or sponge and a natural cleaner,” says Alicia Sokolowski, founder and co-CEO of AspenClean natural cleaning products and home cleaning services. “Warm water and a natural dish soap are often enough for day-to-day cleaning.” Mix the solution in a bowl, or use Rathey’s preferred dispersal method: a spray bottle. Wipe off dust and daily food splatters, then rinse with a clean, damp cloth.

Keep Hot Pans Off

Quartz countertops don’t handle heat as well as naturally formed stone slab countertops. That’s not due to the quartz itself, but (again) the resin holding the stone dust and fragments together. When you pull something off the stove or out of the oven, have a trivet, potholder or cutting board ready to receive the hot dish. If you scorch the surface of a quartz countertop, it’s darn near impossible to repair without professional help.

Clean Up Spills Immediately

Quartz is known for being nonporous and near-impervious to stains, but wiping up spills as soon as they happen is still smart. Geologist and science writer Karen Kirk conducted a study on the stain resistance of quartz countertops, demonstrating that they will stain, especially if the spill is left too long. Food coloring, bright spices like turmeric and chili powder, and acidic foods like tomatoes are particularly lasting, but many substances have stain potential.

Avoid Acids (and Bases)

Because quartz is so easy to clean with soap and water, you should have no need for harsh chemicals, Sokolowski says. Even relatively gentle acids like lemon juice and vinegar can etch the surface if left too long, and strong acids like hydrochloric and sulfuric acids (found in toilet bowl cleaners, tarnish removers and the like) are huge no-nos.

Strong bases, including bleach and oven cleaners, will likewise harm the resin matrix, so stick with gentle cleaners and a little elbow grease when cleaning quartz countertops.

Use a Cutting Board

using chopping board on quartz counter topWANG YUKUN/GETTY IMAGES

Quartz countertops can withstand the occasional accidental knife strike. But, if you tend to chop like The Muppets’ Swedish Chef, “you should always use cutting boards,” Sokolowski says. It’ll save your knife edge and prolong the life of your countertop. Even if you can’t see any damage, repeated knife impacts can cause scratches, which could become noticeable over time and harbor bacteria. (Using a washable cutting board when preparing raw meat is especially important.)

Remove Stains with Baking Soda

By now, you know that harsh abrasives can damage the resin binder on your quartz countertop. So, what happens when you have a stain that doesn’t respond to dish soap and warm water? Are you up a creek? Nope, Sokolowski says. Try gentle, mildly abrasive baking soda. First, apply baking soda and gently scrub with a damp, soft cloth. For more stubborn stains, make a thick paste and spread it over the mark. Allow to dry, then use dish soap and water to remove the residue.

Try a Squeegee

Rathey has an ingenious method for cleaning large quartz counters quickly and easily: a squeegee. (Yep, just like a window washer.) First, remove countertop clutter like cooking utensils, cutting boards and tea towels. In your sink or a bucket, mix a capful of dish soap with warm water. Dunk in a soft cloth or strip washer and apply to the counter. Then, use the squeegee to sluice the water into the sink. It’s a very satisfying activity that leaves the entire counter as clean as a whistle.

Revitalize Dull Quartz

There are plenty of commercial products on the market for cleaning quartz countertops, and many have special ingredients that polish and shine as well as clean. If your quartz is looking a bit dull or you just want a cleaning product specifically formulated for quartz, pick up one of these cleaners online or in a home improvement store. They’re easy to apply and food-surface safe.

Try a Small Spot First

The above methods for cleaning and caring for your quartz countertops are expert-approved and shouldn’t harm your expensive investment. But it’s always a good idea to test a small, inconspicuous area first before going to town on a stain. This is especially true if you have a spot that’s not responding to traditional methods. Desperate times call for desperate measures, but the last thing you want to do is make the problem worse.

About the Experts

  • Allen P. Rathey is the director of the Indoor Health Council, an advisory group of cleaning professionals and public health experts who share his passion for helping people create and maintain safe, healthy indoor environments. He is a past president of the Housekeeping Channel, the Healthy House Institute and the Healthy Facilities Institute.
  • Alicia Sokolowski is a cleaning expert with more than 15 years of experience as the president and co-CEO of AspenClean, a green cleaning company dedicated to producing high-quality, environmentally sustainable cleaning products.
