There's no right or wrong answer for when to put up your tree or hang some lights. Take our survey and discover how your Christmas decorating traditions compare with other Family Handyman readers.

How Early Is Too Early to Put Up Christmas Decorations?

Christmas is just around the corner, and for many households that means decking out your home (inside and out) with your favorite holiday decor. There are countless ways to show your holiday cheer, from massive yard inflatables to modest ornaments.
One debate that seems to pop up this time of year, every year, is this: When is it too early to put up Christmas decorations?
Some families break out the decorations right after Thanksgiving. Others might choose November 1, or even September 1. Some people even leave Christmas decorations up all year.
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When Do You Put Up Christmas Decorations?
We decided to poll our readers to see when you put your decorations, and when you think it’s too early. See our poll results below and weigh in!
Christmas Decor History and Safety
Various decorations come with extended histories. Christmas trees date back to 16th century Germany, while Christmas stockings are believed to have originated in the 1800s, according to the Smithsonian.
Unfortunately, some of our favorite Christmas decorations, especially Christmas trees, are also huge fire hazards. Between 2014 and 2018, Christmas tree fires caused an average of two deaths, 14 injuries and $10 million in property damage every year, according to the National Fire Protection Association. Nearly half of those fires were attributed to lighting equipment and electrical distribution. Here area a few tips to avoid Christmas light dangers.
Our Favorite Christmas Decoration Ideas
Outdoor decorations can be tacky and dramatic, but these outdoor displays will make your home look spectacular. If over-the-top is more your style, check out our list of outrageous outdoor holiday decorations you have to see. This DIY giant popcorn garland may help bring attention to your decorations, too.
Also, read up on the differences between real and artificial Christmas trees. Everyone has their opinion on whether real or fake trees are better. Both offer advantages and disadvantages, so weigh all your options before deciding which is right for your home.