I’ve always enjoyed cutting my lawn. What I didn’t enjoy was the hour-and-a-half to two-hour time commitment to mow my 1/3-acre lot.

For years now, I’ve been researching wider, homeowner-grade, walk-behind mowers. I finally decided to buy the one that got the wide, walk-behind trend started — The Toro TimeMaster 30.

Toro Timemaster With Personal Pace Via Lowes.comVIA MERCHANT VIA MERCHANT

What is the Toro TimeMaster 30?

The Toro TimeMaster 30 is a 30-inch-wide walk-behind mower powered by easy-to-start, 223cc Briggs & Stratton gasoline engine. The 30-inch cutting deck features two 15-inch blades that finely mince your grass clippings for beautifully lush lawn.

The mower offers easy two-point lawn height adjustment, a quick stow storage lever, and an automatic blade stop system in case you need to move a toy or debris from your path.

The innovative Personal Pace self-propelled system is a game changer.  It senses your preferred walking pace and adjusts the mower’s speed accordingly. And when it’s time to tidy up, a built-in washout port cleans the underside of your mowing deck, hassle-free.

The mower comes assembled in a gigantic 140-lb. box. Also included are the grass clippings collection bag, attachable side discharge shoot, garden hose attachment for the washout port, and a quart of engine oil.

Looking to cut down on your lawn mowing time? The Toro TimeMaster 30 Lawn Mower has you covered with its sleek, innovative, and time-saving features.

Fh22d Toro Timesaver 06 02 004 Family Handyman Approved Toro Timemaster 30 Lawn MowerFAMILY HANDYMAN

Toro TimeMaster 30 Product Features

The Toro TimeMaster 30 features an innovative blade-stop system that enhances safety and convenience. When encountering obstacles like hoses or debris, the safety lever disengages only the blades instead of shutting down the entire mower. This allows you to safely walk away from the running mower to clear any obstructions without restarting the engine.

When finishing yard work, the quick stow storage lever folds the handle to save space in your garage. Additionally, the built-in wash-out port easily connects a hose to the mower deck, making it simple to clean the underside without tipping the heavy machine on its side.


The TimeMaster 30’s value largely stems from its 30-inch cutting deck. A similar Toro mower with a standard 22-inch deck and comparable features costs less than half the price of the TimeMaster 30. Ultimately, the investment of $1,500 depends on the size of your lawn and how quickly you need to mow.

Reliability and Durability

Built with a solid steel deck and a cast aluminum frame, the Toro TimeMaster 30 feels sturdy and reliable. The powerful Briggs and Stratton engine can tackle various mowing tasks, though some users may have concerns about long-term durability with frequent heavy-duty use. Regular maintenance and cleaning are advisable, especially in dusty or grassy conditions. Toro supports its mowers with a three-year, guaranteed-to-start warranty, reflecting its reputation as an industry leader in lawn care.

Ease of Use

While the TimeMaster 30 offers a push-button start option, the model I purchased features a pull-cord start. Initially skeptical about the pull-start mechanism, I found it to be the easiest I’ve ever used—starting on the first pull. Thanks to the blade stop system, there’s no need to turn off the mower during operation; simply start it and go.

Maintenance and Transport

Users have reported issues with fuel spillage when tipping the mower for cleaning. To minimize spills, follow specific tipping instructions, such as ensuring the fuel tank is half-full or using protective coverings around the gas cap. Using quick-connect hose fittings with the wash port for post-mowing cleanup can enhance the experience. Some older models may lack a hose attachment, so upgrading to a more accessible wash port kit is advisable.

Securing the drive wheels is essential when transporting the mower. Simple items like gear ties or rope can lock the Traction Assist handle, preventing the mower from rolling during transit.

How We Tested It

Over two-plus weeks with the TimeMaster 30, I mowed my lawn three times, and my neighbor Mary’s standard city lot once for good measure. I bagged my clipping the first go-round, used the side discharge shoot the next, and mulched mine and Mary’s yards last.

Is It Really a Time Master?

I figured the Toro TimeMaster 30 would expedite my weekly mowing, but I was surprised at the amount of time I saved.  With my old trusty 21-inch mower. it took me roughly 90 minutes to mulch my grass.  The first time I cut my lawn with the TimeMaster 30 it took only 49 minutes… and I bagged the clippings!  How could this be?

There are two factors at play here.  The first is the easiest to identify — the 30-inch cutting deck. It’s nine inches wider than my previous mower, meaning 30 percent fewer paths as I crisscrossed my way across my lawn.

The second is the fantastic Personal Pace self-propulsion system.  On my last lawn mower, flooring the throttle to rabbit speed set the pace. I pulled out a stopwatch and walked the length of my yard to discover the old mower did the 120-foot-long lot in about 28.2-seconds per pass, or 2.9 mph.

With the Personal Pace system, the mower moves at YOUR speed, no matter how fast or slow you want to go, up to a near-jogging 4.5 mph. When I walked my lot at my cadence with the Toro TimeMaster 30, it took 23.9 seconds, or 3.4 mph — 1/2-mph faster than before!


Where to Buy the Toro TimeMaster 30

Toro Timemaster With Personal PaceVIA MERCHANT VIA MERCHANT

Cover large lawn areas more quickly with the Toro TimeMaster 30, retailing at around $1,600. You can find it available online at Ace Hardware, Lowe’s and Tractor Supply.