The electrical code gets revised every three years. Here's what the 2023 version has to say about installing new kitchen receptacles.

Electrical Code Requirements for Kitchen Outlets

If you’re building a new kitchen or remodeling an existing one, you’ll need to install electrical receptacles. The National Electrical Code (NEC) understandably has a lot to say about this, and what it says is often different than what it said a few years ago. That’s because the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), which published the NEC, updates it every three years to stay abreast of new technologies and address safety concerns.
With this in mind, the 2023 version of the NEC introduced significant changes from the 2020 and earlier versions regarding kitchen receptacles. Still, code language can be opaque and confusing to non-specialists, even with explanations. Luckily, Jim O’Brien, who is an electrician and content marketing manager at Leviton (a manufacturer of electrical devices), was available to offer expert insights and help clarify things.
If your existing kitchen receptacle array doesn’t meet the code (the one in my house certainly doesn’t), don’t worry; you don’t have to redo it. Code changes apply only to installations that occur after the changes are published. So, if you’re building or remodeling, you’ll need to consider these new requirements when installing kitchen receptacles.
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Number and Placement of Receptacles
Of all the rooms in a home, the kitchen is the one that consumes the most electricity, so it stands to reason it needs a lot of 120-volt receptacles. The actual number depends on the size of the kitchen.
Countertop receptacles
Countertops or work surfaces 12 inches wide or more must be served by at least two 20A small-appliance receptacles. They can be mounted in the wall no higher than 20 inches (500 mm) above the surface or in the cabinet no more than 12 inches (300mm) below it, provided the countertop edge extends less than 6 inches beyond the base of the cabinet.
The receptacles can be separated by no more than 48 inches, which guarantees you can plug in an appliance with a standard 24-inch cord anywhere on the countertop. Longer countertops require more receptacles. In fact, there’s no upper limit as long as none of them are outside the 48-inch separation limit.
- Pro tip: Previous language requiring one receptacle for the first nine square feet of countertop space and one more for each additional 18 square feet has been removed.
Wall receptacles
Empty wall spaces 12 inches or more wide that aren’t blocked by a cabinet or permanent fixture need a receptacle. Long walls that aren’t interrupted by doorways or permanent fixtures should have multiple receptacles separated by no more than 48 inches. The NEC states that the standard height for such receptacles is 12 to 16 inches above the floor, but it still allows for installation in the baseboards or floor with proper boxes and covers.
Island and peninsula receptacles
In a major departure from previous years, the 2023 NEC does not require receptacles on kitchen islands or peninsulas, but there’s a caveat. As Corey Hannahs, NFPA Senior Electrical Content Specialist, explains in a post on the NFPA website: “If a receptacle outlet is not provided for islands and peninsulas, provisions must be provided for the addition of a receptacle outlet in the future.” A common way to do this is to run wires to a junction box located inside a cabinet under the countertop.
If you do elect to install island or peninsula receptacles, they must conform to the same spacing requirements as countertop receptacles. You can put receptacles in the wall adjoining a peninsula, or you can put listed pop-up receptacles on the countertop of an island or peninsula. You can no longer install an island or peninsula receptacle below the countertop because that has been proven in the past to be a source of injuries to children, who suffered burns and other injuries when pulling on the cords.
Dedicated receptacles
A number of kitchen appliances must have their own dedicated 120V receptacles on circuits that aren’t shared with any other equipment. These include:
- Refrigerators
- Dishwashers
- Garbage disposals
- Built-in microwaves
- Wall ovens
Each circuit can be controlled by either a 15- or 20-amp breaker, depending on the current draw of the appliance it services.
GFCI and AFCI Protection
“The most significant update in the 2023 NEC related to kitchen outlets is the expanded GFCI (ground fault) protection requirement,” says O’Brien. “This update clarifies that GFCI protection is necessary for a broader range of receptacles, including those not directly serving countertops…This expanded requirement ensures that all outlets within the kitchen area, including those that might be used for high-powered appliances, are protected against ground faults, reducing the risk of electrical shock.”
The code also requires that GFCI devices remain accessible so you can reset them, and that’s difficult for receptacles hidden behind heavy appliances like refrigerators or placed high on the wall. Ideally, all receptacles should have ground-fault protection, and an easy way to provide this is to install GFCI breakers on circuits with hard-to-reach receptacles.
Since 2014, the NEC has required AFCI (arc fault) protection on all kitchen receptacle circuits, and it isn’t the same as GFCI protection. O’Brien explains the difference: “While GFCI protection is vital for preventing electric shock, AFCI protection helps prevent electrical fires by detecting arcing conditions in circuits.” He goes on to say that combination receptacles, such as Leviton’s SmartLock Pro, offer both types of protection. You can also get dual protection by installing AFCI/GFCI combination breakers on kitchen circuits.
Tamper Resistance
If you’ve ever seen a toddler trying to insert a fork into an electrical outlet, you’ll understand why the NEC introduced the requirement for kitchen outlets to be tamper-resistant in 2008. That requirement hasn’t changed, and it applies to all receptacles except those placed higher on the wall than 5 1/2 feet or located behind a heavy, stationary appliance, such as a refrigerator.
Where can I find the most current electrical code requirements for my area?
Contact your local building department for the most up-to-date electrical code requirements for your town and state.
If I’m doing DIY work, do I need to know about the electrical code requirements?
Yes, DIYers are expected to follow all electrical code requirements when completing any electrical work. These codes are in place to keep you and your electrical items safe, so know and follow codes when completing any upgrades, remodels or new work.
About the Expert
- Jim O’Brien is an electrician and the Contractor Marketing Manager for Leviton, a leading manufacturer of electrical receptacles.
- National Fire Protection Association: Changes to Kitchen Island and Peninsula Receptacle Outlet Requirements for the Past Three NEC Editions; Corey Hannahs, Jan. 2023.