Dethatcher vs lawn sweeper: Which one do you need to get your lawn in shape? The answer can save you time and money.
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Dethatcher vs lawn sweeper: Which one do you need to get your lawn in shape? The answer can save you time and money.
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Spring isn’t just a good time to get your house clean and ready for summer. After a tough winter, your yard could use some cleanup, too.
If you’ve got a well-established lawn that’s starting to get a little yellow or tired, the problem might be thatch—a heavy mat of organic material that develops between the grass and the soil underneath. Thatch isn’t necessarily a bad thing! It can hold in water and nutrients, keeping grass healthy and resilient. But when the thatch gets too thick, it can hold in insects and weeds as well, and it can keep your grass from reaching moisture and nutrients in the soil below.
To check, dig a small test patch or take a core sample. If the thatch—the brown area between the green grass and the dirt—is more than 1/2-inch thick, you’ve got too much thatch. “Thatch can start to harm your grass if it gets too thick,” Osmar Castillero from Blades Landscaping says. He recommends dethatching every few seasons as part of your lawn maintenance routine. Dethatching your lawn can refresh your grass and get it ready for the hot, dry days of summer.
If the issue isn’t thick thatch, it’s still a good idea to clean debris from your lawn to give it a fresh start before summer arrives. That’s where a lawn sweeper comes in handy. The last of the fall leaves, twigs and sticks that fell in winter storms—and that thick mat of grass clippings from your first big mow of the season—might be too much for a bagging lawn mower to handle. A lawn sweeper replaces a rake, making quick work of cleaning up the grass and getting rid of things that might hamper good growth. You can also use some lawn sweepers to clean paved areas, like driveways or sidewalks.
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When comparing a dethatcher vs lawn sweeper, understand that “they perform different tasks,” Tom Perron of Boyden and Perron, an outdoor power equipment retailer, says. “Dethatchers remove dead grass layers, or thatch from your lawn while lawn sweepers will take whatever’s on the lawn and flick it into the basket for cleanup. Lawn sweepers cannot dethatch.”
A lawn dethatcher is a light-duty tool that’s easy to use. It acts like a rake with tines (sometimes called scarifiers) that get under the grass to pull out excess thatch.
There are three styles of dethatchers. Manual dethatchers look like big rakes that you pull across the grass. Tow-behind dethatchers can be pulled behind a riding lawn mower or yard tractor to clean up as you go along. Power dethatchers use a motor to drive the tines through your grass.
Lawn sweepers have rotating brushes with a catcher in the back for gathering debris. You push them across the lawn so the brushes can grab debris and toss it into the catcher. Like dethatchers, you can get lawn sweepers that are manual or motorized, or they can be pulled behind a riding mower or yard tractor. Lawn sweepers are similar to bagging lawn mowers, but some of them can handle heavier debris like small sticks, acorns, leaves and pine needles.
Tow-behind or power dethatchers can be pricey, usually coming in around $130 to $150, and you need room to store them. If you’re willing to put in the work, a manual dethatcher like the True Temper dethatching rake is less than $100, and a fantastic investment for a healthier lawn. For more options, check out our picks for the best dethatching rakes.
Tow-behind sweepers are usually in the $200 to $300 range, but they can be worth it if you have a large yard with big trees that shed a lot of acorns. A top-rated option for this is the Agri-Fab Lawn Sweeper. An affordable option for smaller lawns is the Earthwise Push Lawn Sweeper.
Dethatchers are capable of reducing thatch and prevent water, air and nutrients from penetrating roots and soil causing mold and rot. This serves as a great aerating tool that keeps an entire lawn healthy and green all through the warm seasons.
You shouldn’t dethatch your lawn every year. A little buildup of thatch is good for your lawn, holding in nutrients of water. Since you only use a dethatcher once every three years or so, a good dethatcher should last for decades.
As long as you use it when the grass is dry and keep your lawn cut short enough not to produce large amounts of grass clippings, a lawn sweeper should give you years of use. To prevent wear and tear, you can also mulch grass clippings by mowing over them, so there’s less bulk for the lawn sweeper to handle.
When it comes down to buying a dethatcher vs lawn sweeper, you’ll have to consider your specific lawn care needs as each perform very different jobs. If you have a large yard and lots of trees that drop nuts and debris, a lawn sweeper towed behind your riding lawn mower can save a lot of work. A push lawn sweeper is more affordable and will probably be fine for smaller yards, particularly in areas where you don’t have to fight the squirrels to gather up acorns.
Dethatching depends on how much muscle you’re willing to put into it. You only need to dethatch a lawn once every two or three years, so it depends on whether you have space to store a tow-behind or motorized dethatcher. Before you buy, you can rent a dethatcher from many garden centers and home improvement stores, giving you a chance to find out if it’s something you’ll use, or which style is right for you.
Dethatchers are available at home improvement stores such as Ace Hardware or on Amazon. If you have never dethatched your lawn, this is a good year to start. Once you’re done, you won’t have to do it again for a couple of years!
Lawn sweepers are available at garden centers, at home improvement stores like Ace Hardware or on Walmart. If your garden shed is getting crowded, look for one that will fold flat easily.