Need help in an emergency? It might be time to look toward the stars.

Emergency Hack: Connect to Satellites When You Have No Cell Service

On a typical day, most modern humans rely significantly on their cell phones as they go through life. During an emergency, though, the up-to-date information a cell phone provides can be the difference between danger and safety.
Knowing how essential phones can be in a crisis, certain manufacturers have now enabled devices to connect to a wireless signal even if no cellular service is available. Even if there is no cell service or WiFi, select newer models of iPhones and Androids can now connect directly to satellites in orbit and use that signal to contact the emergency services your situation requires.
Here’s what you need to do to connect your phone to a satellite during an emergency:
How To Connect an iPhone to Satellites
NOTE: Satellite connection is only available on iPhone 14 or later. Earlier models do not have this feature.
Open the connection assistant
There are two simple ways to open the Connection Assistant on an iPhone. The easiest is to swipe down on the top right corner of your phone, opening the Control Center. Then, tap the Cellular Button (which looks like a pole with signals coming from the top), tap “Satellite,” and then choose whether you want to send a message, update your location, request roadside assistance or send out an SOS.
Connecting to the satellite
Your satellite connection will work best outside in a place with a clear view of the sky and the horizon. If any tall, obstructive structures are in the area, your signal may be slower or blocked. If moving to the left or right would help strengthen the signal, your iPhone will notify you.
Your connection will likely be slower than a normal 4G cellular network. Be patient, and adjust as needed to keep your signal strong.
Also, don’t be alarmed if you check for these features and don’t see them pop up. You’ll only see the option to access satellite features if your phone cannot detect a cell network or a WiFi signal. If you want to test the satellite connection and learn how it works outside of an emergency setting, Apple has a Satellite Connection Demo you can try.
How To Connect an Android to Satellites
NOTE: Currently, the only Android model capable of connecting to satellites is the Google Pixel 9.
Make an SOS call
Connecting to a satellite is even easier on Google Pixel 9. If you’re in a location without WiFi or cellular service access, simply call 911 like you would normally. The Pixel will automatically give you the option to connect to a satellite to complete your SOS call. You can also set up emergency contacts in your phone, who will be immediately sent your location if you connect to a satellite.