Our house is a hundred years old, and that means our closet spaces are pretty funky. So next time we plan a build or renovation, we’re going to take ample time to design closet dimensions. After all, it won’t just affect our comfort, but also all of the other people who will be using those spaces for the next century. However, it turns out that figuring out ideal closet sizes isn’t as straightforward as it may sound.

“Planning the best closet is all about usable well-lit space,” says Rachael Fahncke, owner of Dayton Designer Closets. “So don’t forget that lighting can be just as important as the amount of space you have. When your closets are poorly lit it makes it even harder to find your items.”

Here are some standard closet sizes, and more advice on what is the best closet size for each room.

What Is the Standard Closet Size?

It depends. The most common closet depth size is 24 inches, but beyond that, standard closet size varies widely depending on the intended use and the square footage and layout of the home.

“Our end users are always looking to optimize storage, and we keep that in mind when designing a space,” says Mike Costello, a contractor and expert at TeachMe.to. “If we can add a closet where there is dead space, like under a staircase, we will add it regardless of the size and shape.”

To maximize storage in a bedroom walk-in closet, one key is to have enough walkway clearance to utilize all of the walls, says Fahncke. “The assumption is that bigger is better, but in reality, it’s all about the linear wall space and the clearance around it that determines the storage capacity,” she says.

That means two important dimensions to keep in mind are:

  • Hanging items typically require 24 inches of space from the wall outward; and
  • If you want to hang clothes on both sides of a closet, you’ll need at least 7 feet of width to allow for a 3-foot walkway between the hanging items, says Fahncke.

Common Closet Sizes

Bedroom Closet Size

Costello says a modern bedroom closet is usually 3 to 5 feet wide and 24 to 30 inches deep. “If you have the opportunity to determine your walk-in bedroom closet sizing, I would say never less than 7 foot by 7 foot,” he says. If your bedroom closets are reach-in closets, I recommend taller doors for easier access to the top shelving area.”

A common problem Fahncke encounters is primary bedroom closets that are too narrow to accommodate storage on both sides. “An architect often uses the leftover space in a plan and plops in a closet, leaving the client with a space that is large but unfortunately not efficient,” she says.

Pantry Closet Size

Small kitchen pantry cupboards are often 24 to 30 inches wide and 12 to 18 inches deep. Walk-in pantries are typically 5 feet by 5 feet or larger, says Costello.

Fahncke recommends walk-in pantries be at least 6 feet wide. “This gives each wall the opportunity to have 16 to 18 inches of storage all while maintaining that 3-foot walking space, she says.

Bathroom Closet Size

Bathroom closets vary more widely. In smaller rooms, 18 inches wide by 12 inches deep is the minimum to easily access smaller toiletries, says Costello. Larger closets are great for bulky items like bath towels and linens.

However, Fahncke recommends against bathroom linen closets that exceed the standard 24 inches in depth, which is a trend she’s been seeing lately. “Clients often think this gives them more storage space when really it just makes for a deeper closet with no additional storage opportunity.”

Coat Closet Size

A standard coat closet is at least 36 inches wide and 24 inches deep, but often larger, says Costello.

In addition, Fahncke has been trying to encourage new construction clients to include outlets in coat closets and other utility reach-in closets. “This gives you flexibility in storing rechargeable vacuums and giving your charging dock areas,” she says.


What is the minimum closet size?

There really is no minimum closet size, says Fahncke. “We have seen closets as small as 1-foot deep by 1.5-inches wide,” she says. “The most important thing is to understand how you want to utilize a closet and design its functionality around that.”

How do you properly measure a closet?

Measure from several points on the wall, says Fahncke. “There is no such thing as a square room, so I recommend measuring at the bottom, middle and top from each corner,” she says. “Once I have all the points of measurement, I take the smallest length as my reference point.”

What is the average closet depth?

The average closet depth is 24 inches for a reach-in closet.

About the Experts

  • Mike Costello is a contractor and home-improvement expert at TeachMe.to. He founded the real estate development firm Three Strand Investments, in northern New Jersey, and has been renovating residential real estate since 2016.
  • Rachael Fahncke is owner of Dayton Designer Closets, where she brings a passion for interior design and organization.