More savings are always a win. Your Amazon Prime membership gets you a lot, but can it really get you cheaper gas?

Here’s How You Can Get Cheaper Gas Through Amazon Prime

In a time when everything seems to be getting more expensive, it’s prudent to take advantage of any savings that you can. Gas, in particular, is a regular expense that’s difficult to save on. There’s only so much you can do to cut down your regular use, especially if you live somewhere without good transit options. And when prices jump, it can nullify all the work you put in to reduce your usage. But now, Amazon has introduced a cheaper gas perk for its Prime members. Read on to find out how to take advantage of this deal!
Cheaper Gas at the Pump
Amazon has partnered with BP to give Prime customers discounts at many Amco, AM/PM, and BP gas stations. To take advantage of the 10 cents-per-gallon discount, customers need to use Earnify, BP’s loyalty program. The program also shows you your local gas stations and which ones are participating in the deal so you can confirm you’re heading to the right one before you even leave your house.
The deal is already active, so you don’t have to wait. As long as you have an Amazon Prime membership, you can take full advantage of these savings immediately. Simply make sure your accounts are correctly set up so that you can enjoy the savings at the pump each time you fill up.
How to Get the Savings
If you’re not already a Prime member, you must sign up for a Prime membership before you do anything else. Once you’ve got your membership all squared away, you can set up your Earnify account and link the two at
Next time you need to fill up your gas tank, double-check that your local Amco, AM/PM, or BP gas station is participating and head over. If you want to pay the way you normally do, you’ll either need to enter the phone number associated with the account or pay with the saved payment card at the pump. You can also pay within the Earnify app, if that’s easier for you.
Springfield News-Leader: Amazon Prime just added a 10-cent discount on gasoline. Here’s how to get the deal, (2024)